Have you ever wondered what would you do if there's a tick infestation in your home? There are a few things that can be horrifying for any homeowner. One of them is finding a tick crawling on your bed or sofa. Along with infesting your home, they come with numerous health issues. In terms of health issues, ticks can cause you several unpleasant symptoms. The tick infestation usually grows in winters. What to do in such cases to avoid their growth?
Here are a few important Tick elimination tips that you should try to get rid of:-
Keep your pets clean
One of the major sources of ticks in your home is your furry friend. Ticks can find a way to your home through your pets. They can hatch eggs onto your pet’s fur. So, you need to examine your pets properly to avoid such situations. If you are finding ticks on their body then you need to help them to remove them. Also, you need to keep your pets clean. Don’t let them go in the gardens and bushes as they can get infested with ticks. You can also take your pets to the vet for proper checkups and the removal of ticks from their fur. Apart from this, you can also call the pest control Melbourne experts for Tick elimination from your home.
Keep your gardens clean
Another hiding place for ticks can be your lawn or garden as they love to live in bushes. You can carry them to your home in your clothes. Thus, make sure to take proper care of your garden by cutting them at regular intervals of time. For this, you are needed to mow the grass short to prevent ticks from hiding.
In winters, woodpiles are the best place for ticks to hide. Thus, you need to keep them clean in a dry place to avoid tick growth and infestation. So, clean the piles of leaves that have accumulated in your lawns and gardens.
Use tick control spray
Another tip for Tick elimination is that you can start using the tick removal spray. There’s an availability of tick removal spray that you can spray on them or on different items that are infested with ticks. This is an effective way of getting rid of the ticks from your household goods and gardens.
Try hot dryer
Have you spotted ticks on your clothes? If yes then here you can try the method of the hot dryer for cleaning them. If ticks have to go through a hot drying process in a washing machine for hours then ticks won’t survive this situation.
In winters, ticks can find a way to your home through your gardens, pets, and clothes. Are you looking for a way for Tick elimination? Thus, you are needed to follow these above-mentioned quick tips to get rid of them with ease.